Thursday, May 25, 2006

How to Write Point of View

By Vicki Hinze It is the perspective through which readers will experience the story. From the inception of the story idea, the writer makes story-telling choices. She chooses chara...
By Rob ParnellThe great Chinese ruler, Mao Tse Tung, once said, 'In order to break the rules of a system, one must first learn and understand them.' (Okay, I paraphrase - he was actually talking a...
By James Scott Bell There's a constant confusion, it seems, over point of view. Even veteran writers sometimes get in a fog about it.I'd like to approach in a little different way. Instead of hea...
by Pam McCutcheonI've judged quite a few unpublished manuscripts lately and I noticed that one of the things that appears to separate the amateur from the professional writer is an understanding o...
By Tannith Perry The omniscient point of view is all knowing. The author can take the reader all over town and in and out of every single person's head if she wa...
By Steve DempsterOf the many different writing styles, viewpoint writing is probably the one that works best for aspiring writers - but what is it?Viewpoint writing is used extensively in modern n...
by Steve Dempster There are some simple rules to remember when writing form a character's viewpoint, yet many forget them. Here's a rundown of some to remember . . .No matte...
Point of View | First person | Third person | Mixed POV | Changing the&nbsp...
Point of view is the angle of vision from which a story is told, the perspective or vantage point from which a writer views reality or conveys action or information. There are four basic points...

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